1.Williamson turn
Advantage -
makes good original track line
good in reduced visibility
Disadvantage -
takes the ship farther away from the scene of the incident
slow procedure

Execution of Williamson turn -
Rudder hard over (in an "immediate action" situation, only to the side of the casualty).
After deviation from the original course by 60°, the rudder hard over to the opposite side.
When heading 20° short of the opposite course, the rudder to the midship position and ship will be turned to the opposite course.
2.One turn ("Single turn, Anderson turn")
fastest recovery method
good for ships with tight turning characteristics
used most by ships with considerable power

very difficult for a single-screw vessel
difficult because the approach to a person is not straight
Execution of Anderson turn-
Rudder hard over (in an "immediate action" situation, only to the side of the casualty).
After deviation from the original course by 250°, rudder to midship position
and stopping manoeuvre to be initiated.
3.Scharnov turn
will take the vessel back into her wake
less distance is covered, saving time
cannot be carried out effectively unless the time elapsed between the occurrence of the incident and the commencement of the manoeuvre is known
Execution of Scharnov turn-
(Not to be used in an "immediate action" situation.)

Rudder hard over.
After deviation from the original course by 240°, rudder hard over to the opposite side.
When heading 20° short of opposite course, rudder to midship position so that ship will turn to the opposite course.